Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Obama gets Osama...and Trump too

When I heard on Saturday night that Osama Bin Laden had not only been found but had been killed, I almost said..."who dat?"

I mean, the US turned Afghanistan upside down for the past 10 years trying to find their once ally-turned terrorist, only to find him under their noses in suburban Islamabad in Pakistan. The same Pakistan, by the way, that was supposedly searching high and low for him as well. Not a good look, Pakistan...

Well, I can only hope that there aren't any reprisals as a result of bin Laden's death. I think the world needs a break from the senseless wars that have taken place in the last decade.

Americans are really something else. Obama has gotten lynched for trying to achieve universal health care for his citizens and now that his country's most wanted fugitive has been taken out under his watch, folks are shouting "four more years"....

Meanwhile, as a crowner to a politically-charged week, President Obama got a chance to stick it to his critics at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, especially 2012presidential hopeful, Donald Trump. I won't spoil it for you, you can watch it yourself. Too sweet....

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